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docs:ospim [2021/04/05 15:48]
Jon Daniels [Controller firmware]
docs:ospim [2022/11/01 23:44] (current)
Steve Saltekoff [Micro-Manager plugin]
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 There is a Micro-Manager plugin for the oSPIM, based heavily on the diSPIM plugin but with a few changes.  In the future hopefully the oSPIM vs. diSPIM will hopefully be a setting changed by the user in the plugin, but for now there is a flag in the source code that needs to be changed and the code be rebuilt. There is a Micro-Manager plugin for the oSPIM, based heavily on the diSPIM plugin but with a few changes.  In the future hopefully the oSPIM vs. diSPIM will hopefully be a setting changed by the user in the plugin, but for now there is a flag in the source code that needs to be changed and the code be rebuilt.
-Start by installing a recent nightly build of Micro-Manager 1.4.x.  The latest official build is quite old at this point, so make sure to grab a nightly build.  For Windows the nightly builds are [[http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/nightlyBuilds/1.4/Windows/|here]].+Start by installing a recent nightly build of Micro-Manager 1.4.x.  The latest official build is quite old at this point, so make sure to grab a nightly build.  For Windows the nightly builds are [[http://valelab.ucsf.edu/~MM/nightlyBuilds/1.4/Windows/|here]].  It can be helpful to install the build from the same timeframe as the JAR file was generated (see below).
-Download the latest copy of the plugin [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/scifwh3toxejzes/AAD_o2yeAJwUAMjy8gIwiHgMa?dl=0 | here]] (last update 08-Jan-2021) or else one from the [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t5nm1uk6qr05xfe/AACKSzLkLZmQQDdyJaBK32vGa?dl=0|archives]].  Make sure Micro-Manager is not running and then copy the JAR file into C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-1.4\mmplugins\Device_Control and then delete ASIdiSPIM.jar from the same folder.  Before doing this install a nightly build from the same time as the plugin for best results.+Download the latest copy of the plugin [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/scifwh3toxejzes/AAD_o2yeAJwUAMjy8gIwiHgMa?dl=0 | here]] (last update 08-Jan-2021) or else one from the [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t5nm1uk6qr05xfe/AACKSzLkLZmQQDdyJaBK32vGa?dl=0|archives]].  Make sure Micro-Manager is not running.  Then copy the JAR file into C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-1.4\mmplugins\Device_Control.  **Finally delete ASIdiSPIM.jar from the same folder.**
 ===== Controller firmware ===== ===== Controller firmware =====