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hardware:sample_holder [2018/05/17 19:23]
Jon Daniels added ASI 3D printed chamber
hardware:sample_holder [2019/09/06 19:47] (current)
Jon Daniels
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 Rusty Nicovich designed a large 3D printed chamber that fits into the stage in place of an insert and accommodates the cleared tissue objectives.  It has a glass bottom and volume ~190mL.  CAD files and more details at https://github.com/PRNicovich/3D-Printed-Optics-Lab-Parts/tree/master/ASI%20Large%20Volume%20Chamber. Rusty Nicovich designed a large 3D printed chamber that fits into the stage in place of an insert and accommodates the cleared tissue objectives.  It has a glass bottom and volume ~190mL.  CAD files and more details at https://github.com/PRNicovich/3D-Printed-Optics-Lab-Parts/tree/master/ASI%20Large%20Volume%20Chamber.
-ASI designed a large 3D printed chamber that fits into the stage in place of an insert and accommodates the cleared tissue objectives.  There is space to glue in a Thorlabs SB1 or SB1/M kinematic base so the sample can be mounted to the kinematic top and removed and replaced repeatedly, and ~10mm travel in all dimensions.  Depending on the 3D printed material it may be useful to seal it with epoxy or some other leak-proof coating.  CAD files are available {{ :hardware:jd-ic-01_-_jd_insert_chamber_01.zip |here}}.+ASI designed a large 3D printed chamber that fits into the stage in place of an insert and accommodates the NA 0.4 cleared tissue objectives.  There is space to glue in a Thorlabs SB1 or SB1/M kinematic base so the sample can be mounted to the kinematic top and removed and replaced repeatedly, and ~10mm travel in all dimensions.  Depending on the 3D printed material it may be useful to seal it with epoxy or some other leak-proof coating.  CAD files are available {{ :hardware:jd-ic-01_-_jd_insert_chamber_01.zip |here}}.  ASI also offers a stainless steel sample holder that fits the NA 0.7 multi-immersion objectives with just a few mm of travel (for live imaging).
 A key advantage of the oSPIM system is that it can use 35mm glass-bottom dishes. A key advantage of the oSPIM system is that it can use 35mm glass-bottom dishes.