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software:momomagick [2024/08/20 17:03]
Takushi Miyoshi created
software:momomagick [2024/08/20 23:22] (current)
Takushi Miyoshi
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-==== momomagick ====+==== momomagick (& momotrack) ====
-[[https://github.com/takushim/momomagick|momomagick]] is a Python toolbox to register, deconvolve and fuse diSPIM images from the command-line interface. [[https://github.com/eguomin/|Min Guo]]] originally implemented the registration algorithm used in this toolbox. By using Python, scripts in this toolbox can utilize various registration methods, such as Phase-only correlation (POC) and brute-force matching, switching between various optimization algorithms provided by Scipy. Scripts run on CPUs or nVidia GPUs through cupy/cuda libraries.+[[https://github.com/takushim/momomagick|momomagick]] is a Python toolbox to register, deconvolve and fuse diSPIM images from the command-line interface. [[https://github.com/eguomin/|Min Guo]] originally implemented the registration algorithm used in this toolbox. By using Python, scripts in this toolbox can utilize various registration methods, such as Phase-only correlation (POC) and brute-force matching, employing various optimization algorithms provided by Scipy. Scripts can run on nVidia GPUs through cupy/cuda libraries. This toolbox was developed to process many single-molecule microscopy images in [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.04.590649v1|our study]].
-This toolbox was developed to process many single-molecule microscopy images in [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.04.590649v1|our study]].+Command-line example:\\ 
 +''mmregister.py -g 0 -e Rigid -t Powell time_lapse_3d.tif''
-[[https://github.com/takushim/momotrack|momotrack]] is also available to track objects in three-dimensional time-lapse images.+[[https://github.com/takushim/momotrack|momotrack]] is also available to track objects manually in three-dimensional time-lapse images without reaching for the mouse frequently. 
 \\ \\
-\\ +Manual and code are available at [[https://github.com/takushim/|GitHub]].\\
-Manual and code are available at [[https://github.com/takushim/momomagick|GitHub]].\\+
 Preprint is found on [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.04.590649v1|bioRxiv]].\\ Preprint is found on [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.04.590649v1|bioRxiv]].\\
 Contact Takushi Miyoshi at tmiyoshi26@siumed.edu with questions.\\ Contact Takushi Miyoshi at tmiyoshi26@siumed.edu with questions.\\